Columbia Business School Acceptance Rate

MBA Snapshot: Columbia Business School

MBA Snapshot: Columbia Business School

Columbia Business School is located in the energetic business capital of the universe, but that’s not the only reason why this ivy league business school remains consistently in the top ten.  Here’s a snapshot of the three things Columbia is most known for…

The Best Time to Apply to Columbia Business School During Regular Decision

The Best Time to Apply to Columbia Business School During Regular Decision

Today's blog post concerns the tricky Columbia Regular Decision deadline, which starts the day after Early Decision (which had a deadline of October 3rd this year) and extends all the way into April. While long, rolling deadlines are commonplace in college admissions or law school admissions, they are strangely out of place in the MBA space, which creates a lot of consternation on the part of applicants everywhere. Here's the weird part though: normally when applicants ring their hands over something ambiguous and unfamiliar we tell them to buck up and have some courage ("Stop worrying so much," is a common refrain around here), but in this case, there actually is some very real strategy to consider. We take into consideration a few rules of thumb, some common sense, and our own experiences sitting in the admissions officer's chair to arrive at a recommendation.