Everything You Want to Know About the HBS Case Method Learning Environment - Video Marathon Post

As a follow up to my earlier post today (regarding the video HBS references in their essay prompt), I wanted to unleash a marathon of HBS Case Method videos that I found during my research.

So grab some popcorn and sit back - this is sure to beat the Game of Thrones marathon you had planned for tonight (but not really.) Ha.

First off - the 2007 video Dee Leopold references in this year's essay prompt:

There are special moments that pull everything we have learned into focus. When theory, practice, experience and talent all come to one sharp point -- a decision that shapes a definitive course of action. When it's no longer an issue of what can be done, but of what you will do.

Next comes what I found digging around the Youtubes and Interwebs.

The video above is actually very well put together. Watching it made me feel as if I was getting hyped up in the locker room, just minutes before I was about to run out onto the field for a football game. 

Students give their personal perspective about the HBS Case Method in the two videos below.

Getting "Cold-called" at HBS

Finally, I leave you with the video below - "Cold Call" AKA "Something We All Feared" - where alumni recount the horrors of being cold called by professors. A bit of HBS comic relief depending on your sense of humor. 

One case - deceptively named Chattanooga Ice Cream Company - spelled the demise of two students who "packed up and went home" after the case discussion (https://youtu.be/vCh6YnFuAiw?t=1m2s).  Maybe they were lactose intolerant? 

One former student describes the horrors of the Donner Case (https://youtu.be/vCh6YnFuAiw?t=2m3s) - definitely not a party

Another former student had to book an appointment with the school psychologist. (https://youtu.be/vCh6YnFuAiw?t=3m25s) But the psychologist was booked out for 3 months! What? Ha.

Yet another alum was cold called after a night of drinking and not preparing - the visiting professor from DPRK University was not impressed. (https://youtu.be/vCh6YnFuAiw?t=2m30s)

Jokes aside, after watching this video, I'm not sure if they were talking about getting cold called or cold cocked. HBS = no place for wimps apparently.

Seriously, all in good fun, HBS.

HBS "Cold Call" Video

So now that you have watched the videos above, are you ready to"Introduce Yourself"?

All-in-all, HBS has made some very clean and beneficial changes to their essay that help candidates respond in a way that is on point. They also do a much better job at clarifying what type of person succeeds in the HBS learning environment - the Case Method being core to the DNA of the school. Overall, what Dee Leopold is really looking for has remained intact.  

To find out more about that and how we can help you with your app, email us at mba@amerasiaconsulting.com.