A Key to Leadership: Empathy

Like most MBA candidates, you’re likely trying to reflect on and brainstorm key moments in your past that reveal leadership. As you do so, keep in mind that there are plenty of ways to think about leadership:

1)    You’re in charge, so you’re the leader.  This is the authoritarian model. As you might guess, this style of leadership is not very inspiring and will not be enough as top MBA programs evaluate your candidacy.

2)    Lead by example.  This is a style of leadership that many MBA candidacy lean on and, unfortunately, it too is not enough.  Every top MBA candidate SHOULD be a hard worker that allows their actions to speak for themselves. 

3)    Use ideas to lead. Another way to think about your impact as a leader can stem from your creativity and ideas.  By questioning the status quo and showing confidence to pursue a new path or direction, you can inspire others.

4)    Lead by making the right decision.  This is more of an informational-based leadership.  You can earn followers and motivate others by consistently being right.  To make the right decisions, you need to know how to use information to make an impact.  

5)    Use empathy to connect with and lead others.  From an MBA admissions perspective, this style of leadership is the pinnacle.  By using your ability to understand someone else’s perspective, needs, concerns, motivations, etc. – even someone with completely different life experiences and backgrounds from your own – you can establish a level of trust and respect that allows you to influence and guide individuals and teams.


With everything going on in the world right now – from discussions on systematic racism and police brutality to the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic – I believe empathy will play an even larger role in the examination and evaluation of leadership in the applications of top MBA candidates.

Now, as we discuss empathy, it’s important to remember that it is not synonymous with sympathy.  Take a look at this video from Dr. Brene Brown, presented by The RSA, a global non-profit which encourages the release of human potential to address the challenges that society faces:


So as you continue to reflect on your past and experience, remember to think about the Four Qualities of Empathy as defined by Theresa Weisman (a nursing scholar):

1)    Perspective Taking – to see the world as another sees it

2)    Non-Judgmental – to listen, hear, and consider that other perspective

3)    Recognizing another’s feelings – to understand how they feel

4)    Communicate that Understanding – to form a connection


For a deeper examination into Empathy, click on this link to Theresa Weisman’s Concept Analysis of Empathy published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing.

To discuss your MBA candidacy and your impact as an empathetic leader, please click here to set up an initial consultation with one of Amerasia’s talented MBA consultants and coaches.