MBA networking

How to Prepare for Important Career Moments

How to Prepare for Important Career Moments

Have you ever woken up from a recurring nightmare in which you had to take an exam for which you hadn't studied? No one likes the feeling of not being prepared. And this worry takes over many parts of our professional lives. No one wants to be caught off guard in front of an MBA admissions committee, a current client or boss, or even a networking event. The answer is to be confident in all of these conversations and presentations. How? Preparedness. In this blog post, we'll talk about what you should do to get ready for a variety of common career scenarios.



It is no doubt that the pandemic has changed the MBA experience. However, it does not have to ruin your experience, nor does it have to ruin your potential to form new MBA relationships. Many new MBA students are doing their best to make the most of the experience they have.

3 tips to conquer your self-doubt

3 tips to conquer your self-doubt

Everyone has faced self-doubt at some point in their lives. Oddly enough, feelings of self-doubt for high achievers feel particularly severe, and can even be paralyzing. Don’t get too comfortable playing the observer. Take a cue from those around you, and ditch the diminishing language to try overcome self-doubt.

How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity

How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity

How to be an effective communicator at your next MBA networking event? Take the pressure off. Walk into a conversation with your head held high, your confidence will come through. Quality over quantity. Have a genuine interest and concern for the person you are conversing with. Be prepared. Know your outcome. Be yourself.

MBA Networking Tips

MBA Networking Tips

We have established that MBA networking should begin well before business school and that some schools have better networking than others.  What we haven’t really covered yet, are the nuts and bolts of networking and how you go about doing it effectively.  Below is a baker’s dozen tips for building a network which will pay dividends as you apply to business school, as you attend business school and as you dive into your post MBA career…

How Good is Your Target School's MBA Network?

How Good is Your Target School's MBA Network?

A business school’s network is usually one of the top reasons someone chooses an MBA program.  Leveraging both the b-school and also other alumni from a particular school can pay dividends when advancing your post-MBA career, so wisely considering which school will meet your needs in that area is a critical component of the b-school selection process.