academics recruiting and networking

How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity

How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity

How to be an effective communicator at your next MBA networking event? Take the pressure off. Walk into a conversation with your head held high, your confidence will come through. Quality over quantity. Have a genuine interest and concern for the person you are conversing with. Be prepared. Know your outcome. Be yourself.

Columbia Business School Strategy Memo Excerpt: How to Write Essay Question 2

Columbia Business School Strategy Memo Excerpt: How to Write Essay Question 2

Every so often, we like to put an excerpt out there from one of our school-specific Strategy Memos.  Full disclosure, the main reason to do this is to show off how we approach the process and to give potential clients a sense of what they might get (across the board, with all their schools and all the questions) if they become clients.  But we also try to coordinate these with moments where we can get some really helpful strategy out there - basic, core ideas that will help people avoid pitfalls, even if they don't have help in executing perfectly.  In this instance, Columbia Business School's Essay Question 2 is a nice overlap that allows us to do both.  So let's dive in.